This is an update from an article originally published in MicroCap Review Summer/Fall 2014 Issue. Here, BioLargo's CEO explains what University of Alberta's validation of BioLargo's AOS Water Filtration Technology means to the company. See the Link to the Actual Article Here
Tuesday, October 21, 2014 By Dennis Calvert, CEO of BioLargo, Inc.Company Profile Page: BioLargo, Inc. (OTCQB: BLGO)
Scientists at the University of Alberta, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science validated the unprecedented effectiveness of BioLargo’s (BLGO) AOS Filter in removing contaminants from water. The tests demonstrated a level of efficiency that has never been seen before in destroying highly concentrated contaminants in sample water, including Listeria and Salmonella.Although the testing is applicable in many areas, food safety was a primary concern of this most recent work. Professor Lynn McMullen evaluated the results and commented, "The AOS Filter technology could be highly efficient in solving food safety problems and may be applied to improve food quality with the potential to improve storage life. The potential applications of the BioLargo AOS filter in the food industry could be endless -- from primary commodities to finished food products."Professor McMullen further explained, "At the foundation of the AOS Filter is its efficiency in generating a highly oxidative state. The data supports its potential to accomplish high-level disinfection that can be useful in multiple markets including food processing and agriculture production. Extremely high levels of performance [disinfection] were achieved during testing and we are excited to expand the work with BioLargo to other applications targeting food safety concerns."This work follows on the heels of validation work by the University of Alberta in eliminating soluble organic contaminants like those found in the controversial and massive oil sands tailings ponds in Alberta, Canada. The AOS Filter was found to decontaminate actual field samples of toxic “produced water” at high speeds and low costs never before seen.
Oil Sands production is now the largest means of producing oil globally, but it comes with the price of requiring enormous amounts of toxic water to be disposed of after it releases the oil from the sand. Alberta is known to be the second largest oil reserve in the world and this “produced water” from oil recovery is being stored in tailings ponds in Alberta that are already up to 170 square kilometers and growing because there is no other place to put the wastewater. A recent government report claims that over 10 million gallons per day of this toxic water is leaking into the Athebasca river that is the primary source of clean water for Alberta.BioLargo (BLGO) was selected as a founding member of a Canadian NSERC “research chair” formed to solve the contaminated water and tailings ponds problems associated with the oil sands industry.
Led by University of Alberta Professor Mohamed Gamal-El Din, a leading expert in the area of water treatment and advanced oxidation, and funded by the Canadian government through the University of Alberta’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the primary area of focus of the “NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Oil Sands Tailings Water Treatment” is to develop proactive water management strategies to dramatically reduce the footprint and environmental impact of existing tailings ponds operations.
This validation by the University of Alberta points to the growing excitement for our significant commercial opportunity across multiple industries. We have already demonstrated the AOS Filter's ability to dismantle organic molecules commonly trapped in water, in 'seconds vs. hours' and at extremely low power levels. It is believed to offer a low cost solution when compared to all other technologies.Now, by expanding the work to include high-level disinfection within the food and agriculture industry, we can confidently point to the expanded scope of our future commercial markets. We are confident that the AOS Filter can dramatically impact every segment of the $350 billion water industry.We believe that many market opportunities will include strategic alliances and joint venture partners to exploit such a large opportunity as ours.
We look forward to sharing additional scientific results as the various researcher teams publish them. We are very excited about this milestone, the expanding work within the Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science at the University of Alberta, and the massive commercial future for our AOS Filter.
"For more information about BioLargo, Inc. - www.BioLargo.com